Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Only Source Of Buying Diamonds At Prices You Wont Believe!

A closely guarded secret source of buying diamonds and precious stones at rock bottom prices has been finally revealed. These are the sources people who hold auctions for diamonds get their supplies from. Most of the people operating as diamond and precious gem retailers and wholesalers get their hands on way under priced jewelries in third world countries.

Of course, there is a certain amount of risk associated when doing jewelry business halfway across the world. As many of the jewelry stores owners have been in the business for quite some time, they usually already have the necessary experience and contacts to make sure their transactions go well. It would seem to be impossible for the average person to buy such bargain gems as they have no idea how to protect themselves when things go wrong.

The fact is, most people do not dare to buy such cheap diamonds in fear of fraud. Until recently, a very generous man by the name of Jerry Martin researched extensively to compile a huge list of highly reputable diamond traders in third world countries. Moreover, he went further to devise a step by step check list for the average person to follow when purchasing diamonds and gems from these third world countries and he strives to constantly update his extremely filtered list of diamond traders.

If you happen to stumble and find his offer thinking that it’s a scam, well then rest assured because Jerry Martin himself is none other than the founder and president of BBB or better known as the Better Internet Bureau. He went to a great extent to screen many third world country diamond traders. So it’s very obvious that only merchants of the highest integrity would get on his database.

A very detailed tutorial is very carefully put together by him to help the average person prevent financial loss when ordering through various channels. His database of precious gems merchants also sell a variety of aquamarines, opals, emeralds and diamonds.

Grab your own collection of diamonds and precious gems now! Click Here!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Princess Cut Diamonds: A Twist On The Traditional Engagement Ring

Princess Cut Diamonds: A Twist On The Traditional Engagement Ring

Love the brilliance of the traditional Round Brilliant Cut that has been the standard diamond engagement ring cut for decades, but want something a little different? You’re not alone. More recently, diamond engagement ring buyers are increasingly turning to princess cut diamonds.

Princess cut diamonds are square in their overall shape, which is fundamentally different in appearance than the traditional round brilliant cut found in most diamond engagement rings. Historically, square cut diamonds just don’t measure up to round cut diamonds in terms of sparkle. Princess cut diamonds have changed all that with a finely tapered shape that allows sparkle to flow from the corners to the top enter portion of the gem.

Most square and rectangular gems have rounded corners. Since a princess cut diamond has distinctively pointy corners, it is important that the corners are protected. Choose a setting that will protect your princess cut diamond’s find corners.

Beyond sparkle, princess cut diamonds have another advantage. Giving a diamond a princess cut allows stones with various flaws and somewhat lower overall quality to be used. Basically, diamond flaws are not as readily apparent in princess cuts. Likewise, lower quality diamonds can be used in princess cut settings than many other types of cuts.

Choosing A Princess Cut Diamond

Because everyone has a different set of priorities when it comes to diamond shopping, we’ll discuss two different sets of buying guidelines. The first are minimum recommendations for those with a higher emphasis placed on budget than quality.

Using these minimums you’ll be able to find a quality diamond without going broke:

• Cut: Good
• Clarity: SI2
• Color: I
• Depth Percentage: 56-84%
• Table: 53-85%

For those of you with a greater emphasis on quality than finding an affordable diamond may wish to use this list of minimum recommendations:

• Cut: Very Good
• Clarity: VS2
• Color: G
• Depth Percentage: 58-80%
• Table: 58-77%

Princess cut diamonds are very popular right now for engagement rings with accent stones or in solitaire formations. By using the guidelines mentioned here you’re armed with some basic information that will help you find the best diamond for your taste and budget.

more on diamonds!

King Diamonds

King Diamonds

Just trying things out for now.